Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to some of the commonly asked questions. Reach out if you have any others.
Continuous Integration servers were purpose built to run builds.Continuous Deployment servers were purpose built to deploy. Testery is purpose built to run tests. Can you run tests during your builds in CI? Sure. But you'll find yourself configuring and maintaining the build agents to run tests, doing extra work to get tests to run at ultra-high levels of concurrency, and you'll have to do a lot of extra work if you need better reporting, want status checks in GitHub/Bitbucket, need to have workflow around reviewing failed tests, etc. Testery is the easiest way to get to the best result.
Many of our customers are comfortable having their web development environments publicly accessible provided they are behind the same authentication mechanism they use for production. If your development environments need to remain behind the firewall, you can whitelist the Testery-provided static IPs or use a tunneling tool like, depending on your IT team's specific requirements. We do not currently support certificate-based authentication, but if this is required for you, please let us know.
Setting up your own Selenium grid might not be hard. The challenge comes when you start using it to run a lot of test on it. This sometimes causes environment issues and instability. You will also spend hours and hours maintaining it to keep up with selenium versions, keep in sync with browser releases, spend time configuring, maintaining servers, etc. Some try Zalenium which is a little better, but we have yet to find a company using Zalenium with as fast execution time as Testery.
Whether you have a question about features, pricing, need a demo, or anything else, our team is ready to answer all your questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
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